assalamualaikum...tadi my family *aku na plng dtg* attend a wedding of our x-village son at mata2 gadong...yg dtg mstly cigu2 frm X-TEACHER OF SR PUDAK *my early school lyfe* ceta ani bukan plng kn mburuk2 kn cigu2 ku dulu...p its juz how i feel dri dulu till no..mstly cigu2 ani mcm not favor to my sibllings..cuz
1) my x teacher dulu pnya anak sama clz dgn aku, and every test and final exm ia selalu dpt no.1 * bukan plng kn ucap na pandai anaknya* aku ingat dulu pnah aku kalahkna anak-nya*tyme exm* and yet aku dpt no. d bwahnya...bnr2 na adil...wat to do..masih nangis sja laaaaa
2) my second last sister, anak cigu ugama sama clz dgn ia...cigu ugama ani ok yet ada jua panatnya...aku na ingta apa cetanya p tdi pling latest incident which CIGU UGAMA ani langar adi ku dri belakang and hand bagnya tkna bdanya *i dnt noe the motif* f pn na sengaja, she shld apologize to my sister..p ani inda buat mua sposen..
3) my sister yg masa ne UBD lagi trok, her class teacher pnah ckap *b4 her PCE exm* she is not qualified ntk masuk any higher institution...mcm meng-condem my sister my parents neva giv up, she were send to tution eventho life were tuf at that i m very greetful that she manage to enter UBD....and paling panas tadi she met her x-teacher tdi, she ok plng bjabat...but she never ask her what she is up to?? mun kitani lama dh na jumpa ne mesti jua kn tnya apa status our life...
3) my big bro pn pnah jua..p ani skulah ugama tyme ia exm Al-Quran, u noe cpa yg memereksa ia...cigu ugama kami yg skulah rendah pudak punya husband..tyme exm he were asked pasal tjuid..p malas ku elaborate..tkut ku lain jdinya...
some of the teachers i rele repsect esp. teacher hj tinah and cigu bidah.....until now i consider both of them were the best teacher of all =) i missed them so mucccchhhhh heheh
P/S: feel relief after i wrote this story!!!! heheh...sory to my X-teacher...sori berabisssss!!!